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Plot Twist

The best place to find out all the movie information you’ll ever need. Movies now in theaters, upcoming movies, synopsis,  trailers, photos, cast and crew information, and personalized recommendations based on your tastes.


  • In Theaters, Popular and Coming Soon: Find out what’s playing right now in your country and what’s coming soon. Add movies to your list of movies you want to watch and have quick access to all their info.

  • Personalized recommendation scores: Ever wanted to know if you’ll like a movie before you watch it? Based on your tastes, Plot Twist predicts what % chance you have of liking a movie or not. No more wasted money on movie tickets or wasted evenings at home taking a chance on a movie you won’t enjoy. It gets smarter with time too! Any time you like, dislike or favorite a movie on the app, that information is used to improve your predictions.

  • Favorites and Watch List: Have you ever spent hours browsing Netflix trying to find what to watch, or trying to remember the name of that movie you wanted to see? Have quick access to information about your favorite movies and a list of movies you want to watch ready to go when you need it.

  • Search and Trending Movies: Lookup movies by part of their title. You can also see the most searched for movies on TMDB over the past week.

  • Synopsis, photos, trailers and more: All the information you might want about a movie, including age rating, main cast, trailers, photos and more.

Your feedback is always welcome. For feature requests, bug reporting or support, e-mail me here.

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